Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Breaking News: Austin Man Reports "Healing" of His 2002 Ford Expedition

Two quick stories about random unexplained coincidences that pointed me toward God. (A.K.A. "miracles," but more about that later...)

1.) About a month ago, I had to make a one-day round trip from Austin to Dallas (and back, of course...that's why they call it a round trip) to pick up Michele & our two youngest daughters. For several weeks prior to this, the A/C in my vehicle had been getting gradually worse, and was now blowing air that was warmer than the heater. Coolant leak in the system, I guess...

So that morning, all the way to Dallas, I was sweating profusely, praying for a miracle, and dreading the reaction that Michele would have when she realized there was no A/C. (Did I mention that we are in a long stretch of 100-degree days in Texas, and the daughters in question are 2 yrs. old and 6 mos? Important facts to the story...) By the time I arrived in Dallas, picked up the family, caught a quick lunch, and started back south on I-35, the strangest thing happened: I suddenly realized that our A/C was blowing cool air! In fact, it was running colder than the day we bought it 5 yrs ago! Could it be true? Was it a mirage? How long could it last in the heat of the day?

Well, let me just say it blew with arctic force, and nearly formed frost on my nose. For 2 1/2 hours, we rode in frigid comfort. It was a miracle! ONLY GOD could fix an air conditioner for a road trip in Texas! (The funny thing is the next morning it was back to being broken...and it hasn't worked since.) Hmmm...

2.) The same vehicle in question soon had another problem: the front window on the driver's side stopped working. It died while in the "down" position; because of the heat and no A/C, I just left the windows open all the time...and now, I had no choice! For 2 weeks, the front window had stayed down, both day and night, and even through a rain storm. (Thanks to Josh for taping up the window while we were gone! You 'da man!)

Then today, another strange occurrence: I saw dark storm clouds gathering above me, so I pressed the button to raise the window (purely out of habit), and suddenly it started working! No explanation. I didn't do anything new. A broken window was healed! A dead power motor came to life! The Resurrection strikes again!

Sound a little crazy? Yeah, I guess so. But I've recently determined to look for God-appearances in everyday life. Random unexplained coincidences that point me toward Him. Miracles.

(Now, if He could just do something about my tempermental weed-eater...)


  1. God is always working on our behalf. Once again, you bring the stories to life with your wit, crafty analogies and revelation. Isn't that just like God to show off when you least expect it.

    In the movie "Body Guard", Whitney Houston sang a song called, "Help Is On the Way". He may not come when you want him too. But he's always right there on time. Your story falls right in line with your Sermon two Sundays ago: "Unseen World". When we take our focus off of what is seen, God takes over to reveal what is unseen - a 2002 Ford Explorer that behaves like it use too.

    P.S. I hope you blog on your Sermon "Unseen World". And Mike Powell's powerful message. I look forward to reading and learning more.

  2. Hi Pastor,

    It would be nice if you could blog on your experience at MoMentum 09.

    Other blog topic suggestions:
    1. "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan
    2. Return To Me.
    3. You Can't Keep It To Yourself.
