Sunday, March 22, 2009

Got tickets?

Hope you got your the gun show! (Like father, like daughter.)

3 out of 4 ain't bad

I've just got to say that I love these girls! Most of you know that I have 4 daughters, but only the oldest 3 are pictured here. Tonight, I had a conversation with them at bedtime that was eye-opening, to say the least. We talked about life-after-death, the reality of the rapture, the book 90 Minutes in Heaven, inviting friends to church, sharing Jesus at school...and of course, the new Hannah Montana movie coming soon to a theatre near you.

I'd love to tell you that we got all the issues covered, the questions answered, and the problems solved. But I'm a dad, not a superhero. The truth is, these talks aren't always so theologically-charged...Far from it! In fact, more often we're debating who took whose flip-flops, and where so-and-so's favorite skirt has disappeared to.

All I can say is these are the moments I want to hold on to. They don't come along often enough, but when they do, I don't want to miss a thing. Too many nights, I go through the motions. The words just roll off my tongue, almost without thinking: Are your clothes picked out for tomorrow? Anyone need to potty again? Is your backpack by the door? Get in bed. I'm counting to 10...1...2...3...It's not funny girls! I said get in bed! Daddy's serious. It's already 30 minutes past your bedtime, so let's move it! Alright, we ready to pray?! Dear God, thanks for the day, forgive our sin, bless everyone we can think of, bless the missionaries, bless those less fortunate than us, help us have a good night's sleep. Amen. Love you girls. (Kiss...hug...kiss again...hug more more hug...and that's it! Done. Lights out. Dad's gone.)

A word to all the dads: cherish the bedtime talks! (And bonus points if you can work in some eschatology next time...)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Thanksgiving in March

I was just thinking about how good God has been to me. As Dave Ramsey (of Financial Peace University) would say when asked how he is doing, "Better than I deserve." Amen to that! Wonderful church family, great service yesterday, moving locations soon, 5 incredible women in my life, 2 dogs I like most of the time, spending 3 days in OK for Spring Break, loving the in-laws, quiet small-town mornings, fresh coffee & my Bible...need I go on? We're healthy, we're happy, and we're heaven-bound (oops, that almost sounded like a Southern Gospel song title!).

Anyway, God is good...and I'm thankful. Now, bring on the turkey & dressing!

What are you thankful for? I'd love to hear some of your thoughts--don't make me wait until November...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I Love the Rain!

Yesterday, the high was 80 degrees. Today it was 48. Wow! Another unpredictable day of springtime weather in Texas... And the only thing better than a 30-degree cold front overnight is a 30-degree cold front WITH RAIN!!! Three days ago, I finally let my angel-soft, lily-white legs see some sunshine, as I left the house for the first time in shorts. Today, it was a wind-breaker, hooded sweatshirt, and earmuffs. (OK, so I don't even own earmuffs...but this would have been the day to wear some, if I did!)

Now, for me, a cold rainy day in March was just what the doctor ordered. But for my daughter, it was a different story. Her third-grade class was supposed to have a picnic lunch at Zilker Park after their visit to the Children's Museum, but the rain changed all that. Imagine the scene: twenty grumbling third-graders eating Lunchables in the warm, dry confines of their classroom, feeling betrayed by the weatherman and cheated out of their field trip. (Cue the violin music here...) It was a sad sight.

So, what's the difference? It's all about making a CHOICE. I choose joy. I choose life. I choose the glass being half full. I choose to love the rain. So just because the rain fell, my spirits didn't have to. Think about it: my yard got watered, my car got washed, my raincoat got worn, my windshield wipers got used (OK, now that's a bit of a reach!), my home air conditioner got turned off, and my Starbucks gift card got redeemed. That's a pretty productive day, huh?!

In his classic book, Here and Now, Henri Nouwen says this about JOY:

"Joy is essential to the Christian life. Whatever we may think
or say about God, when we are not joyful, our thoughts and words cannot bear fruit...Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day. It is a choice based on the knowledge that we belong to God and have found in God our refuge and our safety and that nothing, not even death, can take God away from us."

Philippians 4:4 says, "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!"

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Nothing's Too Hard For God!

The wristbands are in! For those of you who are interested in wearing your official "faith gear," we've got you covered. After giving away nearly ALL of the orange NTHFG wristbands on the very first Sunday we intriduced them, we knew we needed to order more...and did we ever!

We have 1,000 to be exact! (That should be a good start, don't you think?) So come 'n get 'em this Sunday March 8th--take what you need, but please use what you take. Some of you have asked about how many you can get, so let me share a few thoughts:

1. These wristbands can be powerful tools to share your faith in Jesus--and I definitely want them to be used (not just sitting in a box somewhere)!

2. Although they cost around $.50/each, we have chosen to give them to you FREE of charge. I simply believe this is an investment into the kingdom, so it's "worth it" for BCC to purchase them if you'll use them. Think of it as "Jesus-advertising."

3. Someone may ask, "What if I want 10, or 20, 0r more?" That's fine, but again, please don't take more than you will use.

4. If anyone wants to contribute money for the purchase of the wristbands, YOU CAN! Just designate your check or envelope as "NTHFG wristbands."

5. How can they be best utilized? First of all, PRAY for divine appointments; allow the Holy Spirit to prompt you when & how to share your faith. Next, be ready when people ask you the obvious question, "What does your bracelet say?" (Easy one!) Also, recognize the many great opportunities all around you--especially regarding financial fears, due to the economy. You are probably already having daily conversations about the economy, the bailout, job layoffs, foreclosures, bankruptcy, and the future. Rather than allowing those conversations to stay negative, hopeless, and discouraging...why not set a different tone?! Share your trust in God as your firm foundation. Spread JOY! Offer HOPE! Share FAITH!

Remember this passage in Ephesians 4:29: "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."

Colossians 4:5 says, "Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone."

OK, just one more... "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have (in Christ Jesus)." (1 Peter 3:15)

Let me conclude by encouraging you to WEAR ORANGE WITH PRIDE!!! (I'm referring to the wristbands, of course! Boomer Sooner...) Pick up a few on Sunday, and continue to spread the message to a world that desperately needs to hear: NOTHING'S TOO HARD FOR GOD.