Monday, April 12, 2010

What does "Community" mean?

The Bridge COMMUNITY Church.

OK, so we all know what a "church" is. And we've unpacked the concept of a "bridge" as a metaphor for the Gospel. So, let's take a closer look at what "community" means...

First, The Bridge Church is a community of faith. When it's working as it should, the Church is better than the tightest family, the closest friendship, the strongest partnership. Is it just having common values? Is it just enjoying fellowship together? Is it just uniting around a common goal? In some way, it's all of these...but more. The Church is not just a club, or social gathering-- it is a group of people who share a sense of LIFE PURPOSE, which inherently, cannot be accomplished alone.

In other words, we need each other (corporately) to accomplish what God intended for us to do (individually). As believers in Jesus Christ, MY life's purpose and YOUR life's purpose are the same: to share the message of the Gospel with as many as possible. So, since we share the same purpose, live in the same town, attend the same church...we ought to be working together to accomplish this God-given mandate.

But let's go one step further.

How can we "work together" if we aren't "living together?" (...and no, I'm not suggesting we all sell our homes and move to our 73 acres in Hutto...although, that might be really fun!) Acts 2:42-26 offers a vivid description of both the means and the end of biblical community:

The "MEANS" was pretty straightforward:

  • They devoted themselves to apostles' teaching
  • and fellowship
  • and breaking of bread (this is both potluck dinners and Lord's Supper)
  • and prayer
  • many wonders and miracles were done
  • they were together and have everything in common
  • they had garage sales and gave the money to the poor
  • they met in temple courts AND in homes
The "END" was also obvious: "And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved."

This is COMMUNITY. A group that's living life we can work share the love of Jesus Christ in a tangible way with as many as possible.

So, here's the real question: What would that look like at The Bridge Church?

1 comment:

  1. I love these questions and challenges. Thank you for presenting them to us as a body. Acts 2 is very hard...but somehow encouraging - if they did it, WHY (@ the Bridge) can't we? Or any church for that matter?

    It's almost funny to me how often I notice we are on the same page or wave-length, w/sermon topics or words from the I'll be thinking, while sitting in church - (this happened) - "God is waiting to embrace us right now, like a Father would his child" and minutes later, you'll say from the pulpit something like, "Can't you just see the Lord with his arms open wide, just smiling, waiting for us to jump in for a huge hug?" ITS WEIRD how often this has happened.
    Just sayin'.
