Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Shift Your Focus

About a month ago, I attended District Council -- an annual meeting of Assemblies of God pastors in North Texas. The focus this year was on church planting. More specifically, on CHURCHES PLANTING CHURCHES. The guest speaker shared 3 paradigm shifts that we must have, if we are going to effectively build God's Kingdom in our city. Hope you are challenged by them, as much as I was.

Here they are:

1. We need to shift the focus from OUR problems to GOD'S problems.

2. We need a shift from SCARCITYto ABUNDANCE.

3. We need to shift our focus from building a MONUMENT to building a MOVEMENT.

Each of them has challenged me in a personal way, as well as sharpened my focus as pastor of The Bridge. I pray that God will help me to be a DOER of the Word, not just a HEARER only... Is this your prayer, as well?


  1. Good post, David. I especially like #2. So many times, as church planters, what we see in the natural could be scarcity, but when we look with spiritual eyes, at what the Father and Jesus look at, we can't help in seeing abundance, ie. John 4:35. Incredible hope and promise! Thanks, bro'

  2. Good post, David! Many times as church planters, we can look with our natural eyes at what could be before us: scarcity, yet it takes steady faith to keep seeing what the Father and Jesus see: abundance, ie. John 4:35.

    The other 2 are true as well, yet this pretty much stood out.

    Thanks again, Glenn
