Tuesday, October 8, 2013

5 Reasons Why I Love Serving

In the months of October and November, our church family has two (2) different serving opportunities on our calendar:

       1)  Old Tyme Days in Hutto (October 19; 7am to 10pm)
       2)  Fall Fest 2013 (November 9; 11am to 2pm) 

These events are what we call "bridge-building" opportunities.  In short, they give us a chance to serve people in our community in some way by giving our time, talent & resources (...and occasionally, even some blood, sweat & tears!).  Our desire is to demonstrate the love of Jesus in a tangible way.  We want to do more than share the Gospel, we want to show it.  We call it "building a bridge." Sounds awesome, right? Well, it is!

But occasionally, someone asks me, "Why do you guys like serving so much?"  That's a good question, and it got me thinking.  I have listed 5 reasons why we love building bridges...TOGETHER:

1.  It's modeled by JESUS, so it must be important, right?  He said of his own purpose: "The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." (Matt. 20:28) 

2.  It's a picture of GRACE.  I am always in awe that God's love and mercy toward me, especially because it is so undeserved.  I could never earn his love, but He gave it anyway.  In the same way, giving free stuff is a powerful thing, because it awakens our sense of unworthiness.  "What did I do to deserve this?"  Nothing.  It's yours.

3.  It makes people feel LOVED.  Remember the phrase, "Time is money"?  Well, in this crazy, fast-paced world we live in, time may actually be worth more than money.  Calendars are full.  Schedules are packed.  Every minute is precious.  If we're honest, we'd rather give away 20 dollars than 20 minutes. So, when someone makes time in their day to care about mine, it means a lot. 

4.  It's CONTAGIOUS.  I like serving by myself, but I LOVE serving with others!  The more, the merrier.  When you assemble a group of friends to work on a construction project, or fold clothes for the homeless, or build flower beds for a senior citizens home -- there's nothing like it!  Laughter. Belonging. Teamwork. Fulfillment.  These are the treasures you'll find...buried within a good day of serving others.

5.  It's FUN! Nothing makes us feel more "accepted" than laughing at inside jokes.  And nothing creates inside jokes quite like serving with friends.  A duct tape ball thrown at your head.  A paint brush "accidentally" touching your face. A cup of ice dropped down your shirt.  Nicknames.  Bathroom breaks.  Spontaneous sing-a-longs.  There's no telling what you can expect...but it's always fun!

So, how about joining us on BOTH of these upcoming days?  As your pastor, I get super excited about building bridges in our community.  However, nothing happens without lots of smile-wearing, Jesus-loving helpers.  So, here's our simple 3-step plan: 

          A. Recruit like crazy.  (we need you!) 
          B. Put a t-shirt on every volunteer (pick up yours on Sunday! $10/adults; $5/kids)
          C. Sign up & show up (see Julie Bell for Old Tyme Days event; Fall Fest is a month away)

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